Earn Modes
Pirates can earn in several ways. The platform is tailored to favor both safe players and risk-takers alike. Risk-takers stand to earn more even though the games they partake in are lossless risks. The goal is to reward members for participation and contributions to the ecosystem.
Simply holding $BOOTY tokens in your wallet earn you reflections paid in USDT as transactions are carried out with the $BOOTY coin. This is the safest and most boring earning mode. Boohoo!
Pirates will need to buy "Chest" with their $BOOTY token to activate their APY earnings. Pirates can then stake their Chest to start earning APY. This mode is recommended for those who want to play it safe. There is no limit to the number of chests a pirate can own, each will earn its APY. Pirates would also be able to rent out their chest to risk-takers for a fee or share of the spoils as they wish. During "rent mode", chests won't earn APYs.
There are three types of chests: small wooden chest, large wooden chest, and an iron chest. Large Wooden and Iron chests have no special effect on APY earnings but can boost earnings in game modes.
Game Modes:
In game mode, each Pirate has seven tries daily to win with a chest. Each try counts towards their total point for that day. The top 30% of winners for the day from a game mode get to share the total daily returns from that game mode for that day. Two public leaderboards (game of chance and game of skill leaderboards) will be kept and updated daily for Pirates to track their progress.
E.g: A pirate with 4 Wins and 3 Losses for a day is more likely to be in the top 30% winners than a pirate with 1 Win and 6 Losses same day.
To prevent whales from gaming the system, each player can only pool one chest in each game mode per day. Pirates can instead rent out additional chests to other pirates for a fee or share of their $BOOTY wins as they please.
Game of Chance: For pirates who love the thrill of gambling, game of chance are game modes that determine winners purely by chance. No skill is required. Pirates who are feeling lucky too can pool their chests in the chance pool to try out their luck. There will be several game modes such as die throwing, coin flipping, pick a number as well as other game modes suggested by the Pirate Booty DAO. The large wooden chest gives 3x rewards while Iron chests give 5x rewards in game of chance mode.
Game of Skill: For Pirates who prefer to decide their fate or show off their skill, game of skill mode will be a player vs player mode or player(s) vs AI mode depending on the gameplay where each Pirate's goal is to win as much as possible with their seven tries for that day. The top 30% of players from the game of skill pool will get to share the rewards for that day. Large wooden chests will give 3x rewards while Iron chests will give 5x rewards in game of skill mode.
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